Senin, 25 April 2011

Reverse Engineering Service (3D DataSolid Integrated)

Reasia Solution adalah salah satu bidang usaha yang menekankan pada teknik pekerjaan dalam pembentukan model aktual menjadi Data Terintegrasi.

Wilayah pekerjaananya mencakup pada sisi yang sangat potensial dan dimentional.



3D Laser Scanning For Oil and GAS

Each laser scan takes between 5 and 15 minutes, data capture is therefore very fast and accurate to millimeters. Traditional surveying is based on discrete data point observation, terrestrial laser scanning captures the complete asset. Thus, there is a significant improvement in the level of detail and accuracy of the raw data plus a more extensive range of possibilities for data analysis and use. The need for return to site visits are also reduced.

Reverse Engineering 3D integrated LS Photon

laser Scanning 3D dimentional is easy for integration of solid data from point cloude to the CAD

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Mobile 3D Scan

Reverse Engineering akan lebih mudah dan Terjaga akurasi part dan model bilamana secara teknik kita gunakan teknologi ini.

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Privide Tools For Turning, milling, drilling, adapter and cutting

Tools for Turning drilling milling and Cutting Thread is The Walter AG as Provides for all. Multi application spesified are Automotive, Railway, general engineering and energy

Alat-alat Olahraga bersepeda dan yang lainnya

Untuk melakukan aktivitas maksimum kita butuh perlengkapan yang cukup, salah satunya JAM yang memang disana disediakan fitur yang mulai dari ukur jarak , kalori , detak jantung dsb.

murah dan bisa nego .......... 200rb

Jumat, 19 November 2010

How To Inspect Every Radius Variable in Part Measurement ?

Pokok Permasalah :

  1. Pencarian Nilai (nominal) Radius pada benda ukur
  2. Nilai yang diperoleh dengan besaran PROBE Diameter (Offset 1/2 dari Probe DIAMETER)
  3. Axis (X,,Y,,Z) sebagai Constuction Section (offset distance Plane(axis) jika diperlukan pada area lain)
  4. OutPut data Tebentuk as (SPline)Support Export To *.Iges (autocad,,Catia,,UG(NX),, ProE and Other)
  5. Consruct Spline as ARC and DiAMETER

Solved :

  1. Create Coordinate System pada benda ukur tersebut dengan methode 3-2-1 Plane-Line-Point Constuction and CAD =PART (Pada Menu Measure)
  2. Pada Menu Measure Go to-----> Measure ----->Scann------>Parallel Lock Plane------> Isi pada increment=1 ,,,,, Number Of Plane=10,,,, Minimum Distance=1,,, Save As------->Open Splines-------OK

    Select A Plane------->Input SUMBU AXIS YANG MEMOTONG VARIABLE RADIUS Pada benda Ukur tsb (XY Coordinate System1)------->Offset=0 (isi bila area yang lain akan di probing)

  3. Lakukan probing dengan cara SBB:

    ZIG-ZAG Artinya gesekan probe diameter tersebut pada area part yang akan di cari radiusnya ,, dan lakukan zig-zag tersebut seolah olah langkahnya terpotong oleh axis XY Coordinate System1

    Press Green Botton 1x selanjutnya klick secara beraturan terus menerus dan sekiranya scaning probing pada area itu dianggap selesai maka press Red Button 2x. Maka Muncul pada layar, garis SPLINE

    tersebut akan kita lakukan sebagai CONSTUCTION, ada pun langkah awal adalah SBB:

    Pada Menu CONSTUCT-------->Circle----Nominal------->Klik 3 Point Pada Arc Spline dilayar sesudah itu Klik kanan dan pada report REVIEW FEATURES akan muncul jumlah ARC atau DIAMETER dari part itu sendiri dengan mengurangkan 1/2 dari diameter probe

Contact Us:

Kamis, 11 November 2010

After Probe Calibration, I receive an error message "Calculation Failed". How can I fix this?

When receiving a the error Calculation failed, first make sure you are currently using the latest FARO Drivers. You may search through the Support Center by querying "USB Driver" to find this.

You will need to unload and reload the software. Please use the steps below:


B. Software Removal:

1. Make sure to back up any programs or drawing files you need. (Save them to a safe folder). The default is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Faro\Cam2 Measure\. Most files are in this folder – the learn files will be in the learn folder with in Cam2 Measure.


3. Select the FARO Software and click CHANGE/REMOVE.

4. Once complete, Go to START -> RUN then type REGEDIT and click OK.

5. Delete the following folder: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FARO\


7. Delete any faro folders left over in the Application data.

8. Restart machine and then you will be ready to install the software again.


C. Software and driver installation:

1. Input the Software CD into the hard

2. Select the desired Language

3. The Windows installer will setup the installation and then you will be prompted to select the features that you want installed.

4. We recommend that you click on each of the Boxes and choose "This feature, and all sub-features will be installed on local hard drive"

5. Select for all users.

6. You will then be prompted for the location of the installation folder. The default will set the software in Start Menu> All Programs> FARO

7. The Windows installer will then finish the installation

8. Reboot the computer



If you currently are using the latest drivers, make sure your bluetooth connection is not attempting to connect to a Quantum Arm. Check the "FARO Bluetooth Connection Setup" located under the Start Menu > Programs > FARO. Uncheck any devices that you are not connecting to.


This issue will typically arise if a USB arm is connected directly to the software and the software is also attempting to an arm via Bluetooth.

Why does a once passed probe calibration status report failed after a certain time frame?z

It is recommended that the probe calibrations be done any time the probe has been changed at least once a week. The Probe calibration will go failed after around a month's time as the calibration log results get purged after 30 days. It is up to the customer how frequent the probe gets calibrated, but following the recommended guidelines above will ensure you always have a good and current calibration.

Senin, 01 November 2010

I have an issue with the RFS value the system computes. The manual tells us it is two times the distance from the true position to the observed position. What does this mean?

I have an issue with the RFS value the system computes. The manual tells us it is two times the distance from the true position to the observed position. What does this mean?


When you calculate RFS for CIRCLES, the software internally projects the center of the NOMINAL to the plane of the MEASURED. Then finds the distance between the projection of the nominal and the measured and multiplies it by 2.


For measured or constructed POINTS, the software doesn't know of any plane associated with the it, hence when you ask for RFS it will calculate the 3D distance between the points and multiply it by 2. This is why some of the RFS values in this file are high. They only care about X and Z but the Y is 10mm off and it throws off the calculation of RFS. Since the points have a Y value, the solution would be to use it for the for the nominal instead of leaving it as ZERO. In short, key in all the elements of the position of the circle (X, Y, Z) if you want a good calculation.





Keywords: Version 3.92, CAM2, RFS, REF Values, Software, true position, mmc


How do I calculate True Position in the CAM2 Measure software?

How do I calculate True Position in the CAM2 Measure software?


To calculate and report True Position in CAM2 Measure, 2 main things are needed- an alignment (typical CAD = PART or Iterative) and nominals.


-Once an alignment has been made, measure the feature(s) that require True Position.

-Once measured, go to the nominals tab in the Results window or in Review Features and Key-in the nominal, pick the nominal from screen, or associate the proper nominal in the dropdown box.

-Next, in the Results window or in Review features, go to the Tolerance tab. A checkbox should exist for RFS (Regardless of Feature Size) or MMC (Maximum Material Condition).

-Click the corresponding checkbox on. Double click the Tolerance field to key in a tolerance value from your print.

-Push OK to accept all results.


Alternatively, once the customer accepts the results, he or she can go to the GD&T menu, and select Position. The position window will appear and the customer can choose between RFS (the top field) or MMC (the bottom field). IN the "Select a Feature" dropdown, the customer can select the feature in question. Once OK is pressed, the customer can then go into the Tolerances tab and choose whether he or she wants RFS or MMC reported.



Keywords: true position, true position calculation, rfs, regardless of feature size, mmc, lmc, maximum material condition



How is MMC used in CAM2 Measure with relation to Position?

How is MMC used in CAM2 Measure with relation to Position?


MMC is calculated in CAM2 Measure in the XY plane. When the customer establishes their coordinate system based on the datums in the callout, they should arrange it with this in mind.

When you use MMC or RFS by turning it on in the tolerance tab for that feature, it is updated constantly depending on whether or not you adjust the nominal or coordinate system. When you use Position from the GD&T menu, once it's calculated, it remains the same, whether you change/edit coordinate systems or not



Keywords: mmc, maximum material condition, rfs, true position, tp



CAM2 True Position Explanation and Interpretation

CAM2 True Position Explanation and Interpretation


ANSI Y 14.5M is very specific in its description of the meaning and usage of true position tolerance. FARO has incorporated True Position into CAM2 with the intent of matching this specification as closely as possible based upon the amount and type of data that is made available during a normal measurement session.




True Position is defined as a cylindrical tolerance zone about the nominal centerline through the thickness of the material into which the hole was drilled (or the height of the stud).




In order to apply this concept to CAM2 measurements, one must make some simplifying assumptions:




1. The datum features specified on the engineering drawing were used to establish the CAM2 alignment.


2. There are small deviations between the nominal primary datum and the measured primary datum.


3. Material thickness is much less than the diameter of the feature.


4. Feature centerlines are perpendicular to the primary datum.




In regards to MMC and RFS, CAM2 can apply these conditions to features only, and not to the datums. Should engineering data require the application of these conditions to datums, manual calculations will need to be performed to determine the true position.




CAM2 calculates the true position of features as follows:




 For Measured Circles, the true position is calculated as twice the distance between the measured and the nominal as projected to the plane of the measured circle.




True Position of Measured Circles:




X = Distance between measured and nominal in plane of measured circle, True Position = 2 * X




A more exact definition would be twice the distance between the measured and the nominal as projected to the plane of the nominal circle. But, since the plane of the nominal circle is not generally provided, it is practical to use the plane of the measured if the aforementioned, simplifying assumptions are valid.




 For all other Measured Point reducible features, the true position is calculated as twice the distance between the measured and the nominal as projected to the XY Plane.




True Position for Non-Circle Point Reducible Features, X = Distance between measured and nominal in plane of measured circle, True Position = 2 * X




In this case, MMC can not be applied, as there is no measured diameter from which to calculate a bonus tolerance. If the features in question do not lie in the XY plane, they should then be measured as circles. If the features can not be measured as circles, and do not lie in the XY plane, then manual calculations will need to be performed in order to determine the true position.





Keywords: true position, mmc, rfs


How is True Position Calculated?

How is True Position Calculated?


The Software uses the following calculation to determine true position:

(TP=2*{sqrt[<x*x> + <y*y>]}




NOTE: True Position of any feature must sit parallel to the XY Plane for the calculation to work correctly in any CAM2 Measure software. If this requirement is not met, try rotating the coordinate system or making a brand new coordinate system for that specific TP callout.




Keywords: true position, mmc, rfs, calculation, calculate, calculated


True Position, Profiling, Angularity and StraightnessTolerances for CAM2 Measure

True Position, Profiling, Angularity and StraightnessTolerances for CAM2 Measure






I would like to 1. measure position tolerances, 2. surface profiling tolerances, 3. angularity, 4. and form of line tolerances according to ISO.


Do you have a solution for this cases in CAM2 Measure?








Here are some possible work-arounds.


1. Position - turn the RFS and MMC tolerances on. Use the datum features in the feature control frame for the alignment.


2. Surface Profiling - Inspect Surface command.


3. Angularity - none, unless the angle is 90 (Perpendicularity) or 0 (Parallelism). The only other solution would be to dimension the angle then calculate the angularity by hand.


4. Form of a line - Straightness (GD&T menu).





Keywords: true position, surface, angularity, profile, profiling






Related Attachments


None Found

How is MMC used in CAM2 Measure with relation to Position?

How is MMC used in CAM2 Measure with relation to Position?


MMC is calculated in CAM2 Measure in the XY plane. When the customer establishes their coordinate system based on the datums in the callout, they should arrange it with this in mind.

When you use MMC or RFS by turning it on in the tolerance tab for that feature, it is updated constantly depending on whether or not you adjust the nominal or coordinate system. When you use Position from the GD&T menu, once it's calculated, it remains the same, whether you change/edit coordinate systems or not



Keywords: mmc, maximum material condition, rfs, true position, tp






Related Attachments


None Found





Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

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